Researchers say people can accurately judge 90 per cent of a stranger’s personality simply by looking at their shoes. And in business, a quick scan of a company’s flooring can be equally as illuminating.

Look down. What does your clean and smart, or old and flaky, flooring say about your brand, your trading standards and the personality of your business?

According to a recent study by the UK Facilities Management Journal, 75% of businesses in London saw a noticeable improvement in their premises’ longevity after applying new floor coatings; with a direct knock-on effect on many other key facets of their operation and sales too.

In this blog, we explore the common signs that indicate it’s time to renew your floor coating.

First and foremost, before you rip out your old flooring, set yourself a target to only work with trained professionals, who can ensure the quality and durability of your new industrial floor coating in London.

Business investments need to be strategic and well-planned; whether it’s a new computer system; an ergonomic office chair or treating your floor to a new coat. To help you make the best decision speak to our experienced painters today to discuss your commercial floor coating requirements. We’ll help you understand the signs of aging and offer practical solutions to resolve the problem. Call 020 8289 6944 or email to start the ball rolling.

Eight common signs to reapply your commercial floor coating

  1. Visible wear and tear

    Over time, daily foot traffic and heavy equipment can take a toll on your commercial flooring, leading to visible wear and tear.

    Scratches, scuffs, and abrasions will all diminish the coating’s protective qualities, and are a clear indication that the coating needs renewal. Regular inspections are crucial to spot these early signs and prevent further deterioration.

  2. Slippery surfaces

    If your slip-resistant floor is now unexpectedly slippery it needs immediate attention. Even when dry, if the floor is tricky to walk on, and hazardous to navigate, you have a compromised coating.

    Slippery surfaces pose a significant safety risk to both employees and customers, and in some cases, it should be an urgent priority to reapply the coating, and to close off the space with H&S notices to avoid slips and trips.

    Addressing the flooring issue promptly ensures safety but also maintains a professional and welcoming environment in your commercial space, vital for businesses aiming to create a positive impression in the competitive London marketplace.

  3. Discolouration

    The vibrant and smart appearance of a fresh floor can fade over time due to exposure to sunlight and other environmental factors. Discolouration is a visible sign of ultra-violet damage, indicating that the coating is no longer providing adequate protection.

    In London’s competitive commercial landscape, maintaining a smart and aesthetically pleasing environment is essential to create a good first impression. Addressing discolouration by reapplying a new floor coating will help to uphold the visual appeal of your commercial space and leave a positive lasting impact on clients and customers.

  4. Chemical stains

    Commercial spaces must be able to withstand a variety of chemicals, from strong cleaning agents to industrial substances. If these substances cause staining, it could be a clear indication that the current coating is no longer providing the necessary barrier.

    Chemical stains mar the appearance of the floor and can also lead to further damage if left unattended. Recognising and promptly acting on stains by reapplying a new floor coating is crucial for maintaining a clean and professional environment.

  5. Water damage

    The unpredictable British wet weather – and occasional spills – can expose commercial floors to unexpected moisture. If puddles, watermarks, or signs of water damage start to appear, it could be the first sign that the current coating is no longer offering effective water resistance.

    Addressing water damage promptly is essential for the longevity of the floor but also to prevent potential safety hazards.

    In London, where weather conditions can often be unpredictable, a well-maintained and water-resistant floor coating ensures a safe and secure environment for employees and customers alike.

  6. Cracks and potholes

    The discovery of cracks and potholes in the flooring surface is a strong indication of a weakened coating. In a commercial setting, especially a factory or laboratory, where heavy loads and equipment are frequently used, a compromised coating can result in structural issues.

    Cracks and potholes quickly reduce the visual appeal of the floor but also pose safety risks. Timely identification of such structural concerns, and the subsequent reapplication of a new flooring coating is crucial for maintaining a smooth and hazard-free environment in your commercial space and is particularly essential for seamless operation of a business in London, the capital of H&S legislation.

  7. Difficulty in cleaning

    As any flooring coating ages, routine cleaning may become less and less effective, and result in difficulties restoring its original shine. Accumulated dirt, grime, and stubborn stains can become increasingly challenging to remove, indicating that the coating’s protective qualities have diminished.

    Difficulty cleaning the surface affects the aesthetics of the floor but also highlights a decline in its overall performance. Recognising this issue early and opting for a timely reapplication of the floor coating ensures your commercial space in London maintains a pristine and inviting appearance, crucial for leaving a positive impression on clients and visitors.

  8. Increased maintenance requirements

    If you notice your floor needs more frequent cleaning and maintenance, this could be an indicator that the current floor coating is no longer providing the desired level of protection. The need for excessive commercial maintenance signifies that the coating is losing its efficacy.

    Busy businesses in London simply cannot stop trading, nor afford continuous disruptions due to maintenance demands. Recognising the need for reapplication based on increased maintenance requirements is essential for ensuring the seamless operation of your commercial space and preserving its aesthetic appeal.

5 expert tips for early detection and timely maintenance

  1. Regular inspections

    Implement a systematic schedule for regular inspections of your commercial floor. Conduct visual assessments and tactile checks to identify any signs of wear, damage, or changes in texture.

    By establishing a consistent inspection routine, you can catch potential issues early, allowing for prompt intervention and minimising the impact on your floor’s performance.

    Early detection through thorough inspections is key to maintaining a resilient and visually appealing floor in your commercial space.

  2. Follow manufacturer guidelines

    Adhere strictly to the manufacturer’s guidelines for floor coating maintenance. Manufacturers provide specific recommendations based on their products’ formulations and characteristics. These guidelines encompass cleaning methods, recommended cleaning agents, and scheduled maintenance intervals.

    By following these instructions diligently, you ensure that your floor coating receives the care it requires. Deviating from these guidelines may lead to premature wear and compromise the coating’s effectiveness.

  3. Appropriate cleaning procedures

    Employ suitable cleaning procedures tailored to the type of floor coating in use. Different coatings have distinct properties and react differently to cleaning agents.

    Use only approved cleaning solutions and methods to prevent damage and maintain the coating’s integrity.

  4. Address spills promptly

    Swiftly address any spills on the commercial floor to prevent potential damage to the coating. Spills, especially from corrosive or staining substances, can compromise the integrity of the coating if left unattended.

    Keep a well-equipped spill response kit readily available to deal with incidents promptly. Timely intervention not only safeguards the floor’s appearance but also prevents long-term issues that could necessitate extensive maintenance.

  5. Professional consultation

    Seek regular consultations with professional floor coating experts to assess the condition of your floor and receive tailored maintenance advice.

    Experts can provide insights based on the specific requirements of your commercial space in London, taking into account factors such as foot traffic, industry-specific challenges, and environmental conditions.

    Professional consultation goes beyond routine maintenance, offering proactive strategies to enhance the longevity and performance of your floor coating.

    Get in touch with our team at Pimlico Painters and Decorators – our experts will provide you with guidance and industry-leading floor coating services in London!


Ensuring the longevity and performance of your commercial floor coating in London requires vigilant attention to signs of wear and timely reapplication. By staying proactive and following expert advice, businesses can maintain a safe, aesthetically pleasing, and durable flooring solution for years to come.

Let us help you with commercial painting and decorating needs in London. From industrial floor coating to external or internal painting and decorating to general maintenance, and more, we have a range of services to take your commercial space to the next level! Contact us today and get a free quote for your job!