Research has shown that colours are closely linked to our emotions and moods.  Considering that the average Briton will spend close to 4,000 days at work during their lifetime, it’s important to make sure that their work environment is a comfortable and productive one.  Choosing the right paint colour for your office of place of work could really help empower your staff to do the best job they can.

What colour to choose will very much depend on your type of work your do and what atmosphere you want to create.  For example, red is said to increase the speed and intensity of emotions and can make us feel as if everything is urgent, which can lead to anxiety and worry.  This wouldn’t be a good choice for a doctor’s waiting room where calm and serenity are generally preferred, but it is ideal for a sales environment.  Why do you think shops always use red in their sale signage?  To encourage them to make an ‘urgent’ decision and ‘buy now’!

Let’s take a closer look at what colours may suit your work environment.

Blue hues

The colour blue is said to stimulate the mind, leading to increased productivity.  A great choice if you carry out repetitive tasks and need to stay focused.  Soft blue shades are known to have a calming effect when used as the main colour of a room so if it is tranquillity you seek, look no further.  Warmer, brighter blues such as turquoise are great for encouraging relaxation in social areas such as meeting rooms and social areas of an office (like the kitchen).

Yellow and orange tones

If you work in a creative or physical role you will do well to consider orange tones as they tend to provoke excitement, enthusiasm, and energy.  Orange is also said to stimulate the oxygen supply to your brain making it perfect for exercise and brainstorming areas.  Yellow is an obvious choice for capturing joy and communicating happiness so is great for spaces that need to be energizing and uplifting.  It is also an excellent choice in halls and smaller spaces like reception areas as yellow can feel expansive and welcoming.  While you probably wouldn’t want to paint all four walls in these bright colours (for fear of overstimulation), creating a feature wall with one of them would be the perfect solution, and splashes of these colours throughout an office environment will perk up those low-energy afternoons.

Pastel Shades

Pastel greens, pinks, blues are great for creating calmness.  Earthy greens in particular are great for promoting balance and reassurance so would be a great choice for financial industries.  If you want to keep the atmosphere calm and relaxing to create an anxiety busting environment, then white with grey tones, pale blues and lilacs, and creams will work well.  They are particularly useful colours to use in a doctor’s surgery or hospital waiting areas where nervous patients gather daily.

Our professional team boasts a wealth of experience, so we are not short of an idea or two where paint colours are concerned!  We know how to complete work to the very highest standards for our commercial clients, and we have all the right equipment and training for internal and external services.  So, whether you have an office block that needs a full refresh, you need us to repair some rendering, paint your fascia boards, or simply need some inspiration and chat through some options, it won’t be a problem.  Put our commercial painting and decorating skills to the test and ask us for a quote.