If you are thinking about the possibility of selling your house in the near future, and moving onto pastures new, you may be planning on spending the next few months fixing up your house so it is looking its best in time for viewings.  However, you may be wondering if it is worth painting the exterior or interior (or both) of your house in order to help you sell it?  Keep reading as we explore this question…

Is it worth painting the exterior of my house?

In our experience, painting your home before selling can be very beneficial to the seller. The importance of a first impression on potential buyers is paramount and as we all know – you do not get a second chance at a first impression.  The exterior of your house is the first thing that viewers will see so have the front of you house looking as well-presented as you possibly can.  Showing potential buyers that you have carefully maintained your home will not only make your property look more modern and appealing but may well lead to more offers at and around your asking price.  Team a professional lick of paint with an appealing front door, a clean and tidy porch, and your curb appeal will be through the roof.

Avoid your house being on the market for longer by investing in an exterior and interior paint makeover – you will not be disappointed with a potentially great return on investment.

Will painting the interior of my house appeal to potential buyers?

Fans of Kirsty and Phil’s Location, Location, Location television show will be well briefed on the fact that buyers make up their mind about a house in the first few minutes they see it.  A neat and fresh exterior and an uncluttered and clean porch will go a long way in creating an entrance to your hope that optimises that important first impression.   You don’t want to lose all that hard work to an uninviting, unkempt interior that has peeling paint, peeling wallpaper (or dated wallpaper that boasts busy, floral patterns) and a general lack of tender loving care will be off-putting to buyers and encouraging them to offer a lower bid or worse, look elsewhere.

A lot of our customers worry that they may spend time and money painting the interior of their house only to find that it is not to a buyer’s taste and will therefore act as a deterrent.  However, if you choose light, neutral colours it will not only open up the space and make it appear, brighter and lighter, it will help the buyer visualise the potential of the space and how they would make it their own.

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What colour helps sell your house best?

As we have already touched on, the exterior of your home can make or break someone’s perception, so it is best to keep this simple and neutral.  Off white, sand, grey hues, beige are all popular colours because they appeal to a wider range of potential buyers and blend in with the natural surroundings.  You want to market your home to the maximum number of buyers possible, and neutral colours will help you do that.  To add a little contrast you might decide to add a little colour (just enough to provide contrast, nothing too bold or bright) to your front door, fascia and soffits or other timber detail that you may have on the face of your house.

Painting consideration

If you plan on carrying out the paint works yourself, try to choose quality materials.  Choosing quality paint will give you the best assurance of good results and long-lasting protection.

In summary, a fresh coat of paint will not only make your property appealing and current, but it may also potentially increase its property value and lead to a higher number of potential buyers viewing your house once your ‘For Sale’ sign is up.  Avoid your house being on the market for longer by investing in an exterior and interior paint makeover – you will not be disappointed with a potentially great return on investment.

If you would rather leave the paint work to a professional, our Pimlico painters and decorators would love to help you out.  Simply contact us for a free quote.